Caffeine First

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

I'm sorry, I can't help myself!

I know, I know, reading celebrity gossip pretty much ruins your brain and makes you develop an urge to eat water for lunch. But, of course, like many people, I've recently been entranced by Lindsay Lohan's trek from curvy-town to stick-ville. I mean, it still baffles me that a girl can look like this:

And then become something that looks like this:

Within the span of a few short months. Unless her whole "hospital stay" thing was a jolly euphemism for "crack-house with nothing to eat but water," I honestly always have to pinch myself and stare whenever I see the Lohan on television. I just can't get over it. But I guess it's kind of inspirational. It makes me think that I can also pull a Lohan and lose all my body fat. Case in point here:

I think her legs are the size of my arms. WHICH IS NOT A GOOD THING. Must start my diet after I finish eating my loaf of bread and my newly-bought box of biscuits.

Friday, June 17, 2005

Cillian Murphy is hot! Or, not.

I'm trying to pack away all my stuff today, and it's really ridiculous that I have some of the things that I have. For example: a miniature teapot. Why did I think I'd need this living in my dorm? Did I really think I'd serve high tea to myself in my room?

I have to say, though, the highlight of this week has definitely been Batman Begins, which was fittingly one of the best movies I've seen this year. Also disturbing was the fact that Christian Bale was not the hottest guy in the movie (in many parts he had hair in weird places, like his face). No, the hottest guy was in fact Cillian Murphy.

He was so adorable as the deranged scarecrow! His glasses! His suit! The way his face scrunched up when he went all crazy!

So, like the rabid fangirl that I usually am, I looked him up on IMDB as soon as I got back. Only to crushingly find that he was in fact the fugly guy from 28 Days Later. I remember watching that movie and thinking "wow, that lead actor is so not hot."

I'm sorry, Cillian, but I don't find emaciated attractive. God, he was so not cute in that movie. Even more disturbing was the find that he's also the lead in the new Wes Craven flick, Red Eye which will be hitting theaters hopefully never because this is what he looks like trying to molest Rachel McAdams:

My eyes! They've been scorched!!

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Online shopping impulse-buys

I can't believe that available on are these fabulous pieces of jewelry:

Price: $2,050

Price: $3,500

I don't know what disturbs me more -- the fact that Hello Kitty diamond jewelry does in fact exist, or that the more I look at them the more I find them acceptable. Can you imagine wearing the earrings and the pendant at the same time? I bet if I could rewind time and go back to elementary school sporting those two babies, I'd be the coolest kid ever.

Thursday, June 09, 2005

My mind is so full

I had one of the most depressing conversations with my mother. Actually, I take that back, because she can be pretty hilarious sometimes. For example, here is a snippet of one of her "motivational" talks she sometimes gives me:

Cynthia: (jokingly) You know, it's going to be hard for me to find a job this summer. Maybe there's something for me to do at your work?
Mom: We already hired somebody from San Jose State. Also, I've recently heard that there are a lot of college graduates that can't find jobs after they graduate. I think if you don't get experience now, you're not going to be able to find a job after you graduate, unless you decide you go to graduate school.
Cynthia: Wait, I was kidding about the job thing!
Mom: (ignoring me, as always) You know, those poor college grads, with no job... I've heard that they get really depressed. I don't want that to happen to you, but it probably will
Cynthia: Uh, is this supposed to be motivational?

It really scares me that in a few years I'm supposed to shed off all remaining childish characteristics and enter into the real world. Sadly, I'm really not very adult-like. The below picture is proof of my inner-child.

That photo was taken just this past Sunday. Leave it to Disney to design such a fabulous "Stitch-ate-my-head" hat. Tracy claims that the hat is ridiculous, but I say that it's genius. I mean seriously, how many Disney engineers spent their lives creating this masterpiece? I'd say at least one. Or zero.

I also need to thank Tracy for talking about Entourage so much that I actually watched it. I love Jeremy Piven, if he were six-inches tall I'd kidnap him and keep him in my backpack. Adrian Grenier's hair drives me crazy. Get it get it get it?!?! Fine, you don't get it. It's all right.

OMFG SO CUTE! ALL OF THEM (except for the two ugly ones)!!